regret moving to florida

Expensive, expensive, expensive. People are in their homes all the time in Florida because that’s where the AC is, because they’re not acclimated. IF for ANY reason I'd have, Florida is the place to which I'd move. My kids love it.. we def will not live the life we lived in NY making a lot of money…but im willing to give that up for some sun! There’s mean and nice people everywhere, it’s something you can’t control. You’ll be back in NY in 3-5 years, if you last that long. _____ Is a good city for tourist but not for those livibg there. You’re still not tired of the beach or pool after just 6 months? How are the people in Florida? Think twice about coming here, lots of hidden costs. You tell everyone you talk to back home how much you love living in Florida. To finish, medical care just sucks. Cost of living too high. Florida is first, with net migration of 57,724. You love the first visit back home, seeing family and old friends but you also love returning to your new home in Florida. My wife and I were sitting poolside on Saturday and this beautiful woman comes up and says, “Are you Weston’s PawPaw?” I laughed and said ..Oh my, yes I am. We typically get 5-10 days of 90 or higher per summer, usually with high humidity -- FL isn't much different except it is like that for months instead of a few days in July/August. The cost of living here is a lot lower than most states up north so if you come down you get stuck financially and can’t afford to move back. We chose to change our lives to live happier…it was a huge step and i am very happy we took that chance…. It is very hard to find good doctors here. _____ Gulf of Mexico is a polluted toilet bowl but “looks nice”. Moving can be a big, expensive, life-changing experience; and it makes sense to me that people who are asking for advice before they take the plunge should know both the good and the bad about moving to any area. I just wanted to add a little about moving. I lived in nc my whole life and when I moved to Florida they knew I wasn’t from there. And that’s something that may be tough to live with. The food prices are higher here as well. THOSE THAT HAD SOME DOUBTS ABOUT MOVING TO FLORIDA BEFORE MOVING WILL BE NOW BE ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE AT THIS POINT. hides everything!!! When moving to Florida, be ready to experience long days of hot, humid, muggy conditions throughout the summer. There are some great small quiet inexpensive rural communities in the south central part of the state. I've checked summer temps for a long time between central FL and here in western NY. Moving to a new home 1,000+ miles away is a very different matter. Especially for up and coming rappers/musicians, You will get no support from Tampa, no matter how much you beg people yo support your music and craft. Free sex ain't always free. On top of that, the schools don’t teach kids valuable life skills in high school but yet teach subjects like algebra, that you’re not gonna use when you’re older in life. Numerous studies and polls show that a high percentage of people who move to Florida eventually discover that Florida isn’t right for them and move out, often right back to the same town they moved from. We packed up and moved to the sticks. It may be too late for you, but every negative you mentioned in your comment plus much more, is covered in my Florida Move Guide. Have never regretted it. I was born in Florida. It gets so humid that nothing helps. And, definitely, there’s a lot of nosey people that stay in your business and a lot of toxic people that likes to start drama just for attention. Read preview. There is more to do in Florida than there was in the mountains of NC. The cons of living in Florida Warm weather in Florida is different from any other, especially in the summer months. You’re becoming aware of the negatives of living in Florida that are never mentioned in the glossy promo brochures. I work in Real estate and am suppose to promote moving to Florida but honestly I wouldn’t recommend moving here unless you absolutely had too…. We went to check it out this year is nice but way to crowded ....waits for everything, trying to get in restaurants is crazy ..... it is to crowded in season. The second list is what it’s like after you lived in Florida awhile and start to learn what’s really like, compared to how we pictured it would be (often shaped by short vacations), The third list is what it’s like living in Florida after we have lived there many years, assuming you still live in the sunshine state because a surprising number move out. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I love the gators, birds, lizards and wildlife. There are people that will never be happy anywhere they live! From June to November, it’s non stop rain and humidity all summer and some of the fall. You can be a honor roll student your whole life up to your senior year and still not graduate because of the results of a petty standardized test. My choices are to stay in Texas and remain employed, or return to California with minimal chances of finding employment. Everything here is very well put. Here are 20 reasons to think again. Six Reasons You Won’t Regret Moving to South Florida By admin | July 17, 2014. As we mentioned previously, 65.5 million people visited Florida in the first half of 2018 last year. But just months later, you have found it impossible to find work, have experienced life on the streets and feel homesick every single day. You think the really hot weather only lasts 3 months? You don’t sound like a commercial for the Florida Chamber of Commerce anymore when you talk to the folks back home (you no longer pass on the “virus”). You visit the beach less than when you first moved down or have stopped going completely or absolutely despise it now. I’ve lost a whole lot of friends down here, by them showing their true colors and I just want to start a new life somewhere else. You do more of what you love doing outdoors such as golfing, biking or walking or maybe you took up something new like bird watching or looking for shells along the beach every morning. Florida has a carefree approach towards life and you never lack something to do making it the perfect place to enjoy life. There are lots of things you need to prepare so it’s best to write a checklist of what needs to be done. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Regardless of where you are, from the thoughts above, you’ve been living in Florida long enough to realize it’s not exactly as you pictured it would be before the move. By Streeter, Bill. For 9 months a year or 12 months some years it will be unbearable to be outside and you’ll be inside hiding from the burning sun listening to your ac burning up electricity and running up huge electric bills. October is already getting cooler and its march and its 75 degrees…i think the warm weather lasts throughout most of the year…the very hot months will prob be around 3 months or so…i am still not tired of the beach or the pool…You get to enjoy, bbqs, beach, pool, and time outside with family more throughout the year not 3 months of summer a year like NY…I cant say what the future holds – but i have no plans to go back not even to visit!! With tons of rain for months, where “The Sunshine State” came from is beyond me. Moving and change is almost always a stressful event, especially for Seniors. Will you receive a considerable financial boost as a result of a higher income? The threat of hurricane damage is very real as well. We can live cheaper in the inland empire in California, areas away from the big cities. Its the tropics people get over it. I know way too many people that live in Tampa(Especially ones who were born and raised there), are just so use to Tampa, that’s all they know. The beaches are pretty, people are people no matter where you go, no less rude, no more. Since there really aren't any nursing jobs in CA, I've got to stay put for now. Ever wonder where all those people who are selling in Florida, are moving and why? You’ve experienced the worst but still feel the pros outweigh the cons. Though by the way you talk they’ll know your not from there. All will have some regrets about moving to Florida. If you play basketball and you trying to play in the NBA, good luck trying to make it out of Tampa. And rest of my family was still back in Florida. We visited our daughter in CT in Jan. and were pretty cold!! Moving to Florida is a big job especially when choosing one of the best places to live in Florida. I like to go to visit the coast in the spring or fall, but live there! Florida, just recently, has the least affordable rentals (anywhere). 3 months of winter?? I applied for wal-mart over four times and everytime I would go to wal-mart, I stay seeing brand new employees that I have never seen before. We just got back yesterday from 12 days of wonderful sunshine, lots of pool time, tennis, and sunset dinners. I moved almost 2 years ago and I'm much happier. The weather is always bipolar, so if you love bipolar weather, Tampa is the place for you. Travel back home for visits has become a real hassle so it becomes infrequent or stops. That's an interesting comment. When my dad passed away recently, there’s a measure of guilt to be felt in missing some of that time with him. You don’t use your pool anymore except when family or friends visit from where you used to call home. Jun 10, 2013. Sadly, yes. Yep people need to be aware about these kinds of things. She said he was so polite and sweet and stole her heart. I lived in Florida all my life and I’ve visited up north, I gotta say I have a love and hate for Florida. I moved 6 months ago from NY- and even tho i thought i would get a great job and food / renting would be cheaper, i absolutely love it!! Love Florida…Love the South. Vindman says he doesn't regret testimony against Trump. torturous humidity. We have rich people and those that serve them. At this point you are either in the group that has avoided or stopped doing things you loved outdoors altogether because of the hot muggy weather and will eventually leave the state (most people) or you still like it and may be someone who could live in Florida forever, or you’re stuck because there’s no way you can afford to move out. f_blan. Florida has bears, California has bears and mountain lions. “I’ve lived in Florida for 6 months and let me tell you what its like” As an adult I moved up to the mountains of NC for a couple of years ( and lived with in laws most of that time ) and ended up moving back. If you’ve lived in Florida long enough to go through a recession and a bad hurricane season and still like the place, congratulations. Even if you walked around carrying an air conditioner pointing directly at you, you would most certainly be sweating. We would be moving to the SW part of Florida so maybe each area is different, but I’m sure the people and of course the weather is basically the same. (mounts of NC) haha. Sunshine, beaches, theme parks—Florida has a lot to offer, and as a result, it's one of the most populous states. You pay a mosquito spraying fee that seems to to do nothing. No regrets at all. Thanks for sharing your experience. I think whether someone is "friendly" or "mean" doesn't depend on race at all. Despite the good memories I’ve had, Florida and Tampa is not all that. Deciding whether moving to Florida is going to be permanent or temporary will play into whether or not you want to buy or rent a home. To more directly answer your question - I do regret it, but I would have regretted going to a lot of places with the circumstances I was under. Florida is hotter and more humid than where you moved from, and it doesn’t end when summer does. My spouse and I can barely make ends meet. AKA "Redneckville" (like Tampa) Answer Save. Just like a New Yorker. And I would not want to be there once the weather gets unbearably hot .. Have any of you grown up in the north, retired and moved to Florida but found out you don't like it there so much, and are considering moving back north? Check out Miami and Southeast Florida for the beaches, hopping nightlife and the vibrant, Latin-influenced culture. Florida woods will have more poisonous snakes than many places, risk for alligators. I can see why avid golfers like it, but can think of no other reason to live there other than in an ocean view home. Always enjoyed our winter stays in SW Florida but never considered moving there. Tip: People who sell and move out of Florida when home prices are higher, leave the state a little less angry than if they try to sell after the Florida housing bubble pops. You pay high repair bills, lawn maintenance fees, every thing is costly. Life is hard. Reply. Code says no boats in a yard but just look around, they are all over. The people will switch up on you, as soon as you blow up, yet they were never there on your come up as a rapper/singer/producer and they will just make up lies just to have clout. Not a friendly place to any great degree, stay away from HOA’s if you purchase a home, communities can be likened to Stepford communities. My only con is while I respect religion, I am more spiritual myself, the constant talk of it gets tiring. (Going naked wouldn't help.") However, I recently retired from the military and I am %100 disabled by both the VA and Social Security. You spend most of your time, most of the year, indoors to avoid sunburn and the hot muggy weather. I have visited the villages and its ok. We operate a business in central. Will you have a chance to advance in your caree… No. May 2, 2019 #57 Always enjoyed our winter stays in SW Florida but never considered moving there. The Sunshine State’s mix of beaches, weather, and low taxes make it an obvious destination for retirement relocation. We at Seniors to Florida specialize in downsizing and moving seniors from the North East to the Sunshine State. I’m a very shy person and I’m worried they are going to be rude and stuck up and preppy like, I’m moving there this summer after living in CT for 15 years this ought to be interesting. By Streeter, Bill. That’s if they can still afford to sell and move at all. though from what I’ve seen there is worst places to live. It rains more than anything else, so you’ll be inside most of the time. The States Where Retirees Are Moving. Since you don’t use it, you regret every minute you spend maintaining it or every check you write for chemicals or to have someone else do it for you. ha As you reach senior aging, no matter where you live, you're probably gonna need outside help in daily living anyway. DaveA Senior Member. If you are looking to relocate to this beautiful palace, then this is the perfect place for you. I don't regret moving here, but I didn't expect to be here for so long, either. Most everywhere has wild boars. No Regrets about Moving to Florida . Electricity is as high as many other states. Unless ur rich, don’t move to Southwest FL. Be bad if everyone wanted to live in the same areas!! Academic journal article ABA Banking Journal. Still not saying I regret moving, but just being honest about the mixed emotions it can bring. THOSE THAT HAD SOME DOUBTS ABOUT MOVING TO FLORIDA BEFORE MOVING WILL BE NOW BE ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE AT THIS POINT. Moving down the street is one thing. Second is the city of Palm coast, no major shopping stores here, if you want a selection of clothing, furniture, autos or even electronics you have to go to Daytona or St Augustine. Don’t even get me started on sports and the music. As a lifelong Southerner, I can't imagine moving to Florida. I regret all the damned Yankees that have moved in and ruined it. This summer (2020) was brutal, just look up highest temperatures in palm coast on the weather station. Florida is hot there is not sugar coating that fact. Everything you need to know before moving to Florida, Last Updated on August 1, 2020 by Ron Stack, Home - Living in Florida - What is Living In Florida Really Like. That’s probably the only upside about the state, besides not having state tax. She laughed and told us that in November he not only asked her to be his best friend, but invited her to his birthday party in Ohio. Enjoy…. I’m young too and I just wanna experience life somewhere else and not be tied down to one place, like Tampa. My advice, unless you are quite well off, move elsewhere or stay put. When you regret moving, you need to find out what exactly is causing your regret – dissatisfaction with something in your new area and/or your new life or nostalgia over something in your old area and/or your old life. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Living in Florida When a Hurricane is Heading Your Way, The 5 Safest Places to Live in Florida 2020. but of course it can not guarantee a positive experience like yours. This young lady has only been living in Florida a short time but it’s long enough for her to notice how different the state is. Couldn’t live there full time because I would miss my little grandkids soooooooo much. You are using an out of date browser. Love all the swimming pools. It’s common for people move to Florida only to discover it was a mistake for them, then move out. Traffic is horrible and people be driving real crazy like they have never drove a car in their life. Ron Stack “That Best Places Guy”. At the time we owned a 33' fifth wheel and we decided to place our furniture in storage until we found a house or apartment. Love all the tourist attractions. People who move here for the first 5 years are touristy beach goers decorating their homes in sea shells and shopping at Bealls every weekend. _____ The list of states that saw the largest influx of retirees contains few surprises at the very top. I haven't been unhappy here at all. 6 Months? The book also explains how to reduce or eliminate the negatives of living in Florida where possible. Read preview. They’re moving to where it’s cooler because we’re human beings, and we’re acclimated to the temperature we set our thermostat to. Home construction is rampant and they don’t have the infrastructure to accommodate the influx of people and traffic. If you're moving to a touristy area like Orlando or a well known beach town you'd have to deal with an influx of traffic in the summer, but if you work in any form of hospitality business you can make extra money then... which you'll need because owning property in those areas is … Parks with less travel hassles and expense the influx of people and traffic we moved here 8 months and. Different country or may wish they had n't turned off a house offer Chicago or in.! May wish they had n't turned off a house offer Nov-Dec ( you ’... Tests as requirements just to graduate from high school, which is beyond me get burnt by the stronger but! In Florida regrets about moving to Florida is that unlike some states, when values... 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