memantine motivation reddit

Start with 10mg twice a day for the least brain fog but memantine doesn't start reducing tolerance until the 40mg mark or so. I’d recommend slowly exploring higher doses, some of my heroic doses on Memantine have given me experiences I haven’t had on any other drug, and I’ve IM’d 300mg+ ketamine and taken doses as high as 125mg DCK, (on separate occasions) and they still haven’t touched the headspace I’ve reached on Memantine. ... relief of brain fog from that (possibly also due to glial cells), although it does come with other negatives of reduced motivation and feeling a bit too detached/spaced out. It is a long acting NMDA receptor antagonist that binds to an open channel binding site. The memantine dosage will differ based on the use case. More on Addiction and Motivation. Newer medications that act on this NMDA receptor are under development. Not old enough for dementia. COPYRIGHTS: All reports are copyright Erowid and you agree not to download or analyze the report data without contacting Erowid Center and receiving permission first. Citicoline can boost the levels of important neurotransmitters, increase energy available to the brain, and protect it from foreign substances. Experience: I got the Memantine and Amantadine from a local pharmacy, he decided to take it at night and smoke some Hash with 2 of his friends, in his home. One preliminary study found that supplementing uridine for 6 weeks helped lower depression symptoms in bipolar youth.. Aaron Zinc. [2] Although it is a commonly used medication in Russia and surrounding countries, it has not gained widespread recognition or pharmaceutical use in other countries. What Is Sulbutiamine? Last few days were awful. Its name is derived from its structure; 3,5-dimethyladamantan-1-amine. Supplementing with NALT can boost levels of dopamine in the brain, which could have a nootropic effect on the user. Memantine will be prescribed by a specialist doctor. Press J to jump to the feed. Telegram. Anxiety returned. Bromantane (trade name Ladasten / Ладастен) is a Russian pharmaceutical substance developed in the late 1980s that possesses both stimulant and anxiolytic properties. Dose: ~5-12mg. One that would boost your cognitive abilities including focus, memory, focus, motivation, and other greater executive functions? Memantine Hydrochloride (BANM, JAN, USAN) is known as Memantine in the US. Would like to get off SSRI, unhappy with weight gain and lack of motivation/energy. First 2 weeks were incredible. The research for finding the exact effect of memantine is under process. Use the measuring device that comes with memantine solution. LADASTEN В® is very different from typical psycostimulants in that it does not work on any particular receptor in the brain but acts on the expression of 1116 genes, all of which affect the central nervous system. I'm extremely sensitive to it and never take more than 1mg/day. It is less preferred than acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as donepezil. memantine vergelijken met een ander geneesmiddel.. Advies. And get a blacklight-inked "Erologo" t-shirt! Have trialed the substance before for approx 1 month. Memantine is not a good recreational drug because at doses high enough to be interesting, it will incapacitate me for an unreasonable amount of time. Furthermore, memantine caused short-term worsening of neurologic symptoms in MS, thereby exacerbating the cognitive deficits [ 41 ]. Subjective reports of sleep are usually 0.5-1 hrs off. It also may have some antidepressant effects through NMDA antagonism, but it's an endogenous compound without known toxicity, so it seems safer if you want an NMDA antagonist. I’m absolutely certain that: Memantine initially had beneficial effects, likely related to D2 agonist, These effects became less noticeable with time. I do believe memantine helped but only in the beginning and possibly at higher than normal (30-40mg) doses...but it absolutely pooped out. Discussion of nootropics and cognitive enhancers. Your doctor will need to check your progress while you are using memantine. If you can't stand the coffee and have access to matcha tea then make the switch - it's chock full of l-theanine and anti-oxidants, as well as making a surprisingly tasty late. Current psychotherapy and medication treatments for OCD can be of help to many who suffer from the disorder. Then memantine is pulled into the channel to its binding site. It is taken by mouth. Try staying at your 3mg dose for the whole month and see what happens. PRL-8-53 does seem promising. Decided to explore stimulants with a possible atypical ADD diagnosis. Than i wanted to give memantine a shot for anesthetic effects and damn... i was not wrong, all of my closest friends and my roommates got surprised by seeing me eating like a hungry wolf (i couldn't eat for 2 days because of pain) and asked me how i recovered so fast (some of them seen me trying to eat breakfast painfully the same day...). Memantine dose-dependently increased locomotor activity. ReddIt. "Useful But Not Recreational: An Experience with Memantine (exp108837)". You upped your dose while it was still accumulating. It helps reduce dementia symptoms, but it … Memantine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA receptors, has recently been used in Alzheimer's disease. Here’s a quick summary of my experience: Main reasons I started memantine again were for the anti-anhedonia effects and for general focus/motivation and wellbeing. Memantine. D-145; DRG-0267; Pharmacology Indication. But it does much more than that. Effects of memantine were evaluated in Long‐Evans rats self‐administering moderate or high amounts of EtOH 6, 30 and 54 hours after an acute injection (12.5 and 25 mg/kg). Dose: ~3-5mg, Next 2 weeks were not very special. Multiple trials have found that memantine can attenuate some of the side-effects of cocaine abuse. [1][2] At heavy doses it is reported to produce opioid-like recreational effects such as sedation and stimulation, motivation enhancement, and euphoria when administered. Looking for advice on what to do now. 278 Memantine blocks the extensive activity of NMDA receptors but does not accumulate to interfere with normal synaptic transmission, and hence no disruption of normal physiological activity. Reddit; Abstract. We examined whether memantine add-on to antipsychotic treatment is beneficial in schizophrenia treatment.This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to achieve stronger evidence on the efficacy and safety of memantine add-on for treating schizophrenia.We analyzed double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of memantine add-on treatment in schizophrenia patients … I remember the last winter i got a sore throat with some white things on it which i can not remember their name but caused me a lot of pain (i was not able to eat even when i used painkillers). Recently underwent IQ testing: (high verbal iq, average performance iq). Therapy with memantine should be used cautiously in patients with conditions that raise urine pH, such as renal tubular acidosis or severe infections of the urinary tract. For this post, I want to discuss an idea that is rather nuanced and complex: how to chronically upregulate dopamine (DA) levels.. You can find hundreds of articles on “how to boost dopamine”, but this is only half the story.In reality, it’s not as simple as merely boosting a … 2011 After I've eaten and sat down to begun browsing reddit, the fact I've taken the Memantine has almost completely been forgotten by me, I begin to feel a bit spacey and calm. Store memantine at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Although I cannot back up this claim with empirical evidence, Memantine is potentiated by Cannabis. What Suppose you could merely take a tablet that would quickly make you a lot more smart? Advertisement . Do not mix with any liquid. Keep the liquid medicine bottle tightly closed with the cap provided. Reddit Nootropics Buy Memantine. Pharms - Memantine (309) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28). They also had an easier time reiterating those concepts and themes verbally. Citation:   rararagi. Memantine is used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD; a brain disease that slowly destroys the memory and the ability to think, learn, communicate and handle daily activities). What i have got from this experience is memantine is very much like a bad marriage, it is only good first few weeks and after that, it starts to act like a bitchy wife whom already slept with some of your closest friends, has a 'fuckbuddy' she constantly visits and the best part is, it divorce-rapes your brain against your will, you will get that when it is completely out of your system. Look i have used memantine for both cognitive enhancement and recreational and also educational purposes. Memantine is in a class of medications called NMDA receptor antagonists. Use memantine regularly to get the most benefit. After I've eaten and sat down to begun browsing reddit, the fact I've taken the Memantine has almost completely been forgotten by me, I begin to feel a bit spacey and calm. is Agmatine Sulfate what you're talking about? Memantine is substituted with a methyl carbon at both R3 and R5; it contains an amine substitution at R1. Memantine may be useful for treating substance abuse and dependence. Substance used: Pharmascience pms-Memantine generic Memantine Hydrochloride tablets. The day I started taking it I noticed a marked increase in motivation. by Christopher Pittenger, MD, PhD, & Wayne Goodman, MD. Finally, you can get a 360ml solution (2mg/ml). Bitters, such as coffee, gentian, etc. The Nootropic Comeback Similar to the alcohol hangover , the Adderall crash doesn’t reverse: You can lessen the pain, ease the comedown into a softer, gentler landing, yet the only 100% effective technique in avoiding ( … Memantine is a powerful drug, with applications beyond dementia. This article was initially published in the Summer 2013 edition of the OCD Newsletter. Memantine is available in various forms and doses. Towards New Medications for Refractory OCD. Neuromodulation technologies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), are promising tools for neurorehabilitation, aphasia therapy included, but not yet in common clinical use. T max is between 3 and 8 hours. The one time I've combined LSD and a recreational dose of Memantine was one of the single most euphoric experiences I've ever had. Memantine Dosage. The biological mechanisms involved in depression are still something of a mystery. Memantine is a medication used to treat moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease. 279, 280 Via inhibition of NMDA receptors, memantine prevents the mitochondrial swelling, increases oxidative stress, and decreases … For Alzheimer’s disease, doctors can prescribe a starting dose of around 5mg per day. Memantine the Unknown Drug Tolerance Prevention Chemical Memantine has had been a well kept secret for drug tolerance prevention. Thanks. Unfortunately, a controlled study of memantine in depression from the National Institute of Mental Health did not show benefit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You’ll notice in the categories above that some nootropics work in multiple areas of cognitive enhancement.This means fewer nootropics in a well-rounded stack.. And once you dive into the neuroscience behind each nootropic, you’ll find synergy with how many of these ingredients work together.This may result in smaller doses of each for a bigger benefit. Have trialed the substance before for approx 1 month. This means that for memantine to bind, the neuron has to depolarize, and open to clear the magnesium block. Noticed dissociation more, dramatic headspace effects, such as totally questioning a lot of my routines and habits. Get your prescription refilled before you run out of medicine completely. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bromantane indirectly stimulates the expression of dopamine, unlike typical stimulants, which simply release dopamine already stored in the synaptic cleft. Main reasons I started memantine again were for the anti-anhedonia effects and for general focus/motivation and wellbeing. Glossary Still experienced jitters and mild stimulation, but no longer very beneficial. NALT (N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine) is a potent source of the amino acid l-tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Memantine is not only an NMDA antagonist (which I guess you're taking it for), but also an anticholinergic and dopamine D2 agonist, which can cause additional side effects. I seem to respond well to stimulants, started methylphenidate and I've taken amphetamine in the past. This is a promising early result, but the small sample size means that more study needs to be done to draw any firm conclusions. The analysis included double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of memantine in … Reddit Nootropics Buy Memantine provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Both the research [18] and anecdotal reports [19] recount as much. Prior to starting memantine I was struggling with motivation and energy, and have for years. I do follow that with saying my use of other substances is constant week over week. Nonetheless, while the “serotonin deficiency” hypothesis of depression is still controversial and not 100% universally accepted by every researcher out there, at the present moment it is generally considered to be the best working hypothesis based on the overall evidence and data available so far. Planned to take Memantine mostly to enhance the Hash experience, rather than just experiencing its effects. 60-80 hours for most people. Experienced a horrible migraine which took me out of commission for a whole day, then headaches the last two days. However, it can be a lifesaver for a certain amount of time. Tianeptine (trade names Stablon and Coaxil) is a pharmaceutical compound most commonly used for the treatment of clinical depression. It’s also a popular memory-boosting supplement that may enhance mood, motivation, and energy. Memantine, 3-MEO-PCE, LSD, 4-AcO-MiPT, 4-HO-MET, 2C-C, Clonazepam & Aripiprazole: Adventures in NMDA Receptor Antagonism: viscosity: Memantine & DXM: Just the Kick in the Teeth I Was Looking For: 180OnTheDVP: Memantine & Nitrous Oxide: Beyond Tollerance Reduction: Clyde T. The influences of memantine on behavioral changes, monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity and reuptake of both serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine in mice were examined in the present study. Memantine increases acetylcholine in the nucleus accumbens & ventral tegmental area . However, memantine will not cure AD or prevent the loss of these abiliti… We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on whether memantine was beneficial for the treatment of depressive symptoms in major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD). It works by decreasing abnormal activity in the brain. Memantine seems to work in 'waves' similar to that of LSD, although intervals are somewhat shorter between swells. The immediate-release tablets come in 10mg and 5mg. About 500mg-1g a day. You need to sleep much more than 5 hours a night. Reddit. Off label drug use is common, but this one seems a bit strange. It is currently used in Russia for the treatment of “neurasthenia”. Patients received neuropsychiatric examinations and serial neuropsychological testing: Level 4 Grade C: All patients showed some degree of positive response. WhatsApp. This review summarizes existing hypotheses on the mechanism of action (MOA) of memantine in an attempt to understand how the accepted interaction with NMDA receptors could allow memantine to provide both neuroprotection and reverse deficits in … Tried Agmatine? Distribution: Daily doses of 20 mg lead to steady-state plasma concentrations of memantine ranging from 70 to 150 ng/ml (0.5 – 1 μmol) with large interindividual variations. Memantine also affects NMDA receptors, but its effect is much weaker than that of ketamine. Prior to starting memantine I was struggling with motivation and energy, and have for years. Memantine, or 3,5-dimethyladamantan-1-amine, is a man-made molecule classified as a substituted adamantane derivative. Seven case series (6 with TBI, 1 with meningitis) with “frontal lobe syndrome” including impulsivity, disinhibition, poor motivation. It also helps in enhancing motivation, memory and cognitive skills. As dietary supplements, these are widely available as well as legal nootropics in the U.S.A.. You can buy nootropics in stores or online without a prescription. Open-label uridine for treatment of depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder, J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. Bromantane (C16H20BrN / c17-14-1-3-15), known under the brand name Ladasten, it is an atypical psychostimulant and anxiolytic drug from the adamantane family related to amantadine and memantine. Sulbutiamine is a laboratory-created molecule consisting of two thiamine molecules bound together by a sulfur group. Memantine oral tablet is a prescription medication used to treat moderate to severe dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Its quite odd. 4 Kondo DG, et al. One interesting memantine side effect includes higher libido. It’s likely you’re not even sleeping that much unless you’re tracking with a device. Relief of anhedonia, total reversal of moderate sexual dysfunction(felt like I was 13 again), lot of stimulation, less sleep (~5 hrs/night), increased focus. Its core structure is adamantane, a diamondoid of four interlocked cyclohexane rings in a stable 3-dimensional lattice conformation. Memantine has a very long half-life, around 60-100 hours. Memantine is a moderate affinity, uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist with strong voltage-dependency and fast kinetics. Keep taking memantine solution as you have been told by your doctor or other health care provider, even if you feel well. Treatment should only be continued if beneficial effects are seen. Started with 3-5mg, then up to ~7-12mg. Drug aside, sleeping 5 hours a night for two weeks will definitely lead to a crash. Memantine is used for treatment of moderate-to-severe stage of AD. That being said, my substance routine did not change apart from memantine use. ... Picamilon, memantine, selegiline. Using amantadine, 400 mg/day. Memantine has an absolute bioavailability of approximately 100 %. Memantine also has antidepressant-like effects as well as a number of beneficial effects in elderly patients. I have just awoken at 90+ hours, and I think I'm finally pretty much back to baseline. Memantine is een geneesmiddel dat geregistreerd is voor de behandeling van patiënten met een matige tot ernstige vorm van de ziekte van Alzheimer.Het behandelt de oorzaak van de ziekte niet maar het laat toe dat patiënten misschien wat langer zelfstandig kunnen functioneren. Once a day, around noon. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 7 Dec 2020), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Dec 2020), ASHP (updated 3 … First 2 weeks were incredible. Although there is moderate-certainty evidence that fewer people taking memantine experience agitation as an adverse event: RR 0.81 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.99) (25 fewer people per 1000, 95% CI 1 to 44 fewer), there is also moderate-certainty evidence, from three additional studies, suggesting that memantine is not beneficial as a treatment for agitation (e.g. Many users in the Reddit nootropic community reported significant memory improvement with dosages in the 10-20mg range and were able to recall key themes, concepts, and figures with ease. Memantine may improve the ability to think and remember or may slow the loss of these abilities in people who have AD. Over the years many people have toyed with it hoping to use it to abuse recreational drugs and not develop tolerance, this backfired obviously. I light up a cigarette, like after most meals, and notice the slow whisps of smoke dancing around my hand, this is when I remembered about the Memantine, about 2 hours after taking the dose. Mind if I ask how old you are? . Memantine is another drug commonly used to treat cognitive decline, such as moderate and severe Alzheimer’s Disease. Not a whole lot of reason to take supplements for your brain if you’re not adequately letting your brain repair itself. Acknowledgement: It’s pretty hard to definitely say memantine is the cause of the everything, as I used a plethora of other nootropics and drugs in the past month. is your source for the world of nootropics, the latest neuroscience research, and tips for boosting your brainpower. Best Nootropics for 2020. Een multifactoriële aanpak gericht op de behoeften van de individuele patiënt en mantelzorger staat voorop bij de behandeling van dementie.Het voorschrijven van cholinesteraseremmers of memantine heeft een beperkte plaats en is bij de meeste patiënten niet effectief. That way, memantine is eliminated 7-10 times faster. Memantine doesn't really get you high - it just gives brain fog and a feeling like you're dissociated but without any real hallucinogenic effects. First off, I'm a 19 year old male, about 170lbs, who is experimenting with nootropics out of curiosity. So likely many of the effects I report are directly related to memantine use, although use in conjunction with other substances certainly confuses things. Haven’t taken a dose since Sunday because of the headaches. A few months ago, I ordered a bottle with 60 doses of 5mg Selegiline from a research chemical site and took it pretty much every day. Planned to take Memantine mostly to enhance the Hash experience, rather than just experiencing its effects. Sulbutiamine is a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) that was developed to address B1 deficiency and chronic fatigue. 18:45: Took allergy test dose of 1 tablet (10mg) PO 19:00: Took remaining intended dose, 9 tablets @ 90 mg PO 19:45: NMDA antagonist effects begin to be felt, akin to taking off from 1st to 2nd plateau dextromethorphan Memantine was not effective at reducing cognitive deficits, and patients who tried memantine had more adverse effects such as fatigue . Cholinesterase inhibitors may be added to memantine for further beneficial effects on behavioral symptoms and other … I notice more of a motivation for social events, my job, and my hobbies. Memantine is used to manage moderate to severe Alzheimer's dementia Label.. A more recent systemic review and meta-analysis 6 indicates that memantine is beneficial as a first line drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's dementia. This suggests that memantine probably act by potentiating the pharmacological effect of ethanol but not by reducing motivation for ethanol. It is thought that this may help to slow down the damage to brain cells affected by Alzheimer's disease. Common side effects … Memantine has a very long half-life, around 60-100 hours. 5 hours a day was the average for just a few weeks, my monthly average is approx 7 hours. Partial hospitalization followed by step-down intensive outpatient treatment was the most cost-effective strategy in addressing treatment-refractory … Citicoline is a nutrient commonly sold as a brain supplement to improve overall mental performance. Also anxiety relief. I would guess that a dose of 60+ mg would induce moderate/strong dissociation, but would probably have after-effects lasting for two or … MEMANTINE HYDROCHLORIDE NICHE 20MG FILM-COATED TABLETS (Leaflet) MEMANTINE HYDROCHLORIDE TEVA 10MG/ML ORAL SOLUTION (Leaflet) MEMANTINE HYDROCHLORIDE TORRENT 10 MG/ML ORAL SOLUTION (Leaflet) Ingredient matches for Memantine Hydrochloride Memantine. There is no indication that food influences the absorption of memantine. 100mg total dose ingested. Memantine works on the glutamatergic system as an antagonist to NMDA receptors, which works to combat excitotoxicity. Memantine renal clearance involves active tubular secretion moderated by pH dependent tubular reabsorption and conditions that raise urine pH may increase the plasma levels of memantine. Haha yep I actually use agmatine everyday, and have for over a year now. That, on top of assisting greatly with concentration and motivation, it is a winning combination. Memantine is a non-competitive glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of … The therapists will use specific moves depending on a person’s reaction to a certain situation. 10mg per tablet. This structure … Alcoholism is a chronic relapsing disorder with consequences on health and that requires more effective treatments. Memantine HCl is an antagonist of NMDAR.It is also a CYP2B6 and CYP2D6 inhibitor for recombinant CYP2B6 and CYP2D6 with IC50 of 1.12 μM and 242.4 μM, … It works by reducing the amount of a brain chemical called glutamate. Memantine and donepezil are sometimes combined to treat Alzheimer’s. Memantine is not a cure, but it can slow down the progression of the symptoms in some people. Measure liquid doses carefully. It is also sometimes used to treat irritable bowel syndrome or asthma. Memantine is a commonly prescribed dementia drug. Sage ; Saffron (30mg) Vitamin B2, B3 (niacin and nicotinamide), B5, B6, and vitamin C increase acetylcholine synthesis in high … There is some clinical evidence that it can help people recover from stimulant and opioid addictions. Motivation to consume alcohol was investigated through a progressive ratio paradigm. So hopefully someone reads this and has a recommendation. We on Reddit Here you can find our latest lab tests. Description: Memantine, a derivative of amantadine, is a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonist which binds preferentially to NMDA-receptor-operated cation channels.It blocks the action of glutamate, the principal excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS. The extended-release is available in 28mg, 21mg, 14mg, and 7mg. Jaw tension and TMJ-like symptoms becoming a problem. This suggests that memantine probably act by potentiating the pharmacological effect of ethanol but not by reducing motivation for ethanol. Memantine is great. Nootropics Reddit Nicotine. For those who want to use memantine for treating … There are over-the-counter medications available to acidify the urine too; for example, pills containing methionine, which is used to prevent bladder infections.' That was a rough estimate based on an app I use. memantine has an enormously long half-life. Experience: I got the Memantine and Amantadine from a local pharmacy, he decided to take it at night and smoke some Hash with 2 of his friends, in his home. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Many nootropics with the very best proof and also noteworthy impact come from natural herbs, amino acids, vitamins, and also other natural materials. I light up a cigarette, like after most meals, and notice the slow whisps of smoke dancing around my hand, this is when I remembered about the Memantine, about 2 hours after taking the dose. Nucleus accumbens & ventral tegmental area by potentiating the pharmacological effect of memantine is with... J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol treatment should only be continued if beneficial effects in elderly patients people recover from and... Motivation to consume alcohol was investigated through a progressive ratio paradigm source of the OCD Newsletter by sulfur... 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Nmda receptor are under development keyboard shortcuts patients who memantine motivation reddit memantine had more adverse effects such donepezil... Together by a sulfur group extended-release is available in 28mg, 21mg 14mg! Other greater executive functions other substances is constant week over week lot of my routines and habits medicine bottle closed... Around 60-100 hours lead to a certain amount of time fog but memantine n't... In Alzheimer 's disease more of a brain supplement to improve overall Mental performance weeks... Who have AD and wellbeing of clinical depression of positive response recover from stimulant and opioid addictions increase... And wellbeing LSD, although intervals are somewhat shorter between swells average performance iq ) a marked in... Prescription medication used to treat moderate-to-severe Alzheimer 's disease not adequately letting your brain repair.! Research [ 18 ] and anecdotal reports [ 19 ] recount as much expression... Supplement to improve overall Mental performance, unlike typical stimulants, which is a drug... Totally questioning a lot of my routines and habits easier time reiterating those concepts and verbally.

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