equal protection clause cases

The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not take from the State the power to classify in the adoption of police laws, but admits of the exercise of a wide scope of discretion in that regard, and avoids what is done only when it is without any reasonable basis and therefore is purely arbitrary. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". Accordingly, it raises the possibility of a "significant mismatch between the decision … made and the rationale … provided." We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers who post them. Privacy Policy | Justice Sotomayor could not don this paper bag. | But the Court has also held that gender, immigration status, and wedlock status at birth qualify as suspect classifications. Gitlow v. New York (08 June 1925) ― Before 1925, provisions in the Bill of Rights were not always guaranteed on the local level and usually applied only to the federal government. But starting in the 1920s, the Court embraced the application of due process and equal protection, despite state laws that conflicted with the 14th Amendment. Justice Jackson, speaking for the court, stated: Equal protection does not require identity of treatment. In a Last-Minute Reversal, HHS Voids FDA Fees on Distillers Who Produced Emergency Hand Sanitizer, Trump Blames Everyone but Himself for His Defeat. This perception provides respondents with grounds to litigate their equal protection claims further. After all, this amendment was passed in the wake of the Civil War in attempts to remedy some of injustices that … However, the Court ultimately ruled that Gitlow’s speech was not protected under the First Amendment by applying the “clear and present danger” test. Distilleries just learned that to cap off a brutal year, the FDA is charging them a fee normally reserved for drug manufacturing facilities. Mildred and Richard Loving were residents of one such state, Virginia, who had fallen in love and wanted to get married. The Equal Protection Clause provides that no State shall deny “any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws.” The Clause applies to both citizens and aliens alike. Report abuses. Although many cases regarding classifications based on gender have involved discriminatory actions against women, some men have successfully brought cases alleging sex discrimination in violation of the Equal Protection Clause. Plessy v. Ferguson (18 May 1896) ―The Louisiana legislature had passed a law requiring black and white residents to ride separate, but equal, train cars. Equal Protection Violation Under the equal protection clauses of the United States and Georgia Constitutions, the government is required to treat similarly situated individuals in a similar manner. Nor did any of the statements arise in unrelated contexts. Therefore, there is no holding with respect to Arlington Heights. In the early Supreme Court decisions about the 14th Amendment, the Court often ruled in favor of limiting the incorporation of these rights on a state and local level. But "nothing in our precedent supports [the] blinkered approach" of disregarding any of the campaign statements as remote in time from later-enacted policies. In 1892, Louisiana police arrested Homer Adolph Plessy—who was seven-eighths Caucasian—for taking his seat on a train car reserved for “whites only” because he refused to move to a separate train car reserved for blacks. Department of Commerce v. New York (2019). The John Roberts express chugs along. Plessy argued that the Louisiana statute violated the 13th and 14th Amendments by treating black Americans inferior to whites. It only requires that classification rest on real and not feigned Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Slaughterhouse owners were incensed; they sued Louisiana and argued that the state-sanctioned monopoly infringed on their newly ratified 13th and 14th Amendment rights. Now They Don't Have Teams To Play in Them. In a 7-1 decision, the Court held that as long as the facilities were equal, their separation satisfied the 14th Amendment. Follow him @JoshMBlackman. Thus, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment was applied minimally—except in some cases of racial discrimination, such as the invalidation of literacy tests and grandfather clauses for voting. But the case also involved a challenge brought under the Equal Protection Component of the Fifth Amendment. Mapp v. Ohio (19 Jun 1961) ―What happens when the police obtain evidence from an illegal search or seizure? In Reed v. Reed the Supreme Court ruled for the first time that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited differential treatment based on sex. The privileges and immunities of U.S. citizenship were narrow and only those specified in the Constitution, which included the right to freely travel throughout the states. A reshuffling and reduction of Major League Baseball's feeder system means spending taxpayer money on stadiums looks even more foolish than it was before. The trial judge suspended the sentence for 25 years on the condition that the couple left Virginia. Accessibility | In other decisions—such as Plessy v. He then looked to Article IV, which entitled “the Citizens of each State” to “all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States” and to the 14th Amendment, which guaranteed the protection of the “Privileges or Immunities of citizens of the United States.” Miller reasoned that the two clauses protected different bundles of rights, with Article IV protecting the rights of state citizenship and the 14th Amendment protecting rights of national citizenship. Bakke contested that his exclusion from the Medical School was entirely the result of his race. Justice John Marshall Harlan authored the lone dissent. 12.29.2020 6:30 PM. The Loving decision still stands as a milestone in the Civil Rights Movement. Justice Thomas offered only a footnote about the Equal Protection Clause: I concur in the judgment insofar as the majority rejects respondents' equal protection claim. You’d have to overturn a bunch of cases to allow the claim. Those shadows are known as “penumbras” and were used to explain the most controversial issue of arguably the most controversial Supreme Court case in the 20th century. Due to his poverty, Gideon asked the Florida court to appoint an attorney for him. Chief Justice Roberts described the claims: Tracking these factors, respondents allege that animus is evidenced by (1) the disparate impact of the rescission on Latinos from Mexico, who represent 78% of DACA recipients; (2) the unusual history behind the rescission; and (3) pre- and post-election statements by President Trump. The police used a piece of paper as a fake warrant and gained access to her home illegally. The two traveled to Washington D.C. where they could be married, but they were arrested in Virginia under a state law that prohibited inter-racial marriage. However, states cannot deny a person a driver’s license because of their race, gender, or other minority considerations. Mitch McConnell Agrees To Pass $2,000 COVID-19 Checks—in a Bill That Would Also Eliminate Section 230. (Remember, the Fifth Amendment lacks an Equal Protection Clause). 14th Amendment and Equal Protection. From the January 2021 issue. Only by bypassing context does the plurality conclude otherwise. It was very similar to her Trump v. Hawaii dissent. Although the equal protection clause applies to any law that treats different classifications of people differently, varying standards are used to test the law, depending on the type of classification being made by the law. As I read the case, only four Justices supported the Chief's analysis. First, because Latinos make up a large share of the unauthorized alien population, one would expect them to make up an outsized share of recipients of any cross-cutting immigration relief program. He filed a petition of habeas corpus to the Florida Supreme Court, arguing that he had a constitutional right to be represented with an attorney, but the Florida Supreme Court did not grant him any relief. From the February 2021 issue, Katherine Mangu-Ward Selective treatment, malicious conduct, “a class of one”—all these tests have in some way been ratified by a number of courts. Furthermore, the Court concluded that the law was rooted in invidious racial discrimination, making it impossible to satisfy a compelling government interest. The court declined to do this and pointed to state law which said that the only time indigent defendants could be appointed an attorney was when charged with a capital offense. 12.30.2020 5:45 PM, Billy Binion | Jacob Grier | in cases concerning the validity of state taxes under the equal protection clause has been restated as late as the spring of 1954. Justice Douglas articulated that although not explicit, the penumbras of the Bill of Rights contained a fundamental “right to privacy” that was protected by the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause. J.D. Cicero, Homer, Cincinnatus, and other ancient figures and philosophers greatly influence American from the beginning. None of these points, either singly or in concert, establishes a plausible equal protection claim. Not quite. When There Wasn't Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Justice Kavanaugh's dissent included a similar line: I therefore respectfully dissent from the Court's judgment on plaintiffs' APA claim, and I concur in the judgment insofar as the Court rejects plaintiffs' equal protection claim. And the equal protection clause may be a tool that is now available to property owners in the right case. Laws that make distinctions based on race are subjected to the harshest test, “strict scrutiny.” Editor's Note: We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. We saw a similar argument during the travel ban litigation: Any policy that prohibited entry of people from countries with links to terrorism would be predominantly Muslim. Marbury v. Madison (1803) Issue: Who can ultimately decide what the law is? From the February 2021 issue, Charles Oliver and Peter Bagge He only concurs in the judgment. Gideon v. Wainwright (18 Mar 1963) ― Before 1962, indigent Americans were not always guaranteed access to legal counsel despite the Sixth Amendment. Loving v. Virginia (12 Jun 1967) ―By 1967, 16 states had still not repealed their anti-miscegenation laws that forbid interracial marriages. You don’t really need a rationale. The Plaintiffs alleged that the rescission of DACA violated the Equal Protection component of the Fifth Amendment. Obviously, the Equal Protection Clause cannot mean that government is obligated to treat all persons exactly the same--only, at most, that it is obligated to treat people the same if … Therefore, we do not have a five-member majority that dismisses Trump's statements, "remote in time and made in unrelated contexts.". The Court said that unequal application of a law violated the rights of a Chinese immigrant. Thanks to coverage at Reason and pushback from the industry, the federal government voided $14,000 fees on do-gooder craft distillers just in time for the new year. Because the relevant actors are the DHS Secretary and the Attorney General. Taken together, "the words of the President" help to "create the strong perception" that the rescission decision was "contaminated by impermissible discriminatory animus." Because their offense was a criminal conviction, after being found guilty, they were given a prison sentence of one year. The Court held that evidence collected from an unlawful search should be excluded from her trial. The question before the Supreme Court was whether the Constitution protected the right of married couples to privately engage in counseling regarding contraceptive use and procurement. For instance, states may require people to pass a vision as a condition of receiving a driver’s license. With respect to race discrimination, the Court had earlier utilized its supervisory authority over the lower federal courts and its power to construe statutes to reach results it might have based on the Equal Protection Clause if the cases had come from the states. Sessions thought DACA was illegal for years. 1.1.2021 9:00 AM, Steven Greenhut In the scientific community, that shadow is known as an “umbra.” Flanking that dark shadow on the ground are two or more, half-shadows, not quite as dark, but darker than the well-lit sidewalk around you. Griswold v. Connecticut (07 Jun 1965) ―You know when you’re walking down the street at night with lights in front of you and behind you, and you get that really dark shadow? Result: "It is explicitly … In total, eight Justices rejected the Plaintiffs' Equal Protection arguments. Police had received a tip that a bombing suspect might be located at Dollree Mapp’s home in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. Jacob Grier A unanimous United States Supreme Court said that state courts are required under the 14th Amendment to provide counsel in criminal cases to represent defendants who are unable to afford to pay their attorneys, guaranteeing the Sixth Amendment’s similar federal guarantees. After searching the house without finding the bombing suspect, police discovered sexually explicit materials and arrested Mapp under state law that prohibited the possession of obscene materials. And no actual Equal Protection precedent was set. It remains at the core of substantive due process debate today. | Regardless of the “equality” of facilities, the Court ruled that separate is inherently unequal. | Men who break one law are statistically more likely to break a few more. Start studying Equal Protection Clause Cases. On appeal, the Supreme Court expressed that the First Amendment applied to New York through the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. | Recently, in Village of Willowbrook v. Olech, 23 . Second, Roberts rejected the relevance of the history leading up to the rescission: Second, there is nothing irregular about the history leading up to the September 2017 rescission. (The Court therefore stated it need not reach the equal protection clause claims). Comments do not represent the views of Reason.com or Reason Foundation. Lochner v. New York (17 Apr 1905) ―Lochner, a baker from New York, was convicted of violating the New York Bakeshop Act, which prohibited bakers from working more than 10 hours a day and 60 hours a week. the United States Supreme Court affirmed that the Equal Protection Clause protects On Appeal, the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia ruled that the state had an interest in preserving the “racial integrity” of its constituents and that because the punishment applied equally to both races, the statute did not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. In light of the history of the Equal Protection Clause, it is no surprise that race and national origin are suspect classifications. Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. cast the deciding vote ordering the medical school to admit Bakke. However, in his opinion, Powell said that the rigid use of racial quotas violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Plessy lost in every court in Louisiana before appealing to the Supreme Court in 1896. On July 9, 1868, Louisiana and South Carolina voted to ratify the amendment, after they had rejected it a year earlier. Arlington Heights. The Equal Protection Clause does not specify that all people have to be treated equally under all circumstances. Gitlow argued that the First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech and the press. Eric Boehm We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. Equal Protection Clause . Mapp was convicted of possessing obscene materials and faced up to seven years in prison before she appealed her case on the argument that she had a First Amendment right to possess the material. Following the Court’s ruling in 1896 of Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation of public schools based solely on race was allowed by states if the facilities were “equal.” Brown overturned that decision. | A socialist named Benjamin Gitlow printed an article advocating the forceful overthrow of the government and was arrested under New York state law. Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent, Josh Blackman Thus, the equal protection clause is crucial to the protection of civil rights. Alas, this analysis only had four votes. Brown v. Board of Education (17 May 1954) ―It is impossible to mention the victories of the Civil Rights Movement without pointing to Brown v. Board of Education. 1.1.2021 8:00 AM, Robby Soave Were this fact sufficient to state a claim, virtually any generally applicable immigration policy could be challenged on equal protection grounds. Thus, when the Attorney General later determined that DACA shared DAPA's legal defects, DHS's decision to reevaluate DACA was not a "strange about-face." "The President has demonstrated a willingness to disparage Mexicans in a misguided attempt to secure support from his constituency," the states' complaint argues, "even when such impulses are impermissible motives for directing governmental policy.". She wrote a partial dissent that focused on Trump's statements. :rhe path traveled by the Supreme Court in the handful of cases addressing individuals with disabili­ ties, whether Justice Holmes's infamous justification of state imposed … It serves as an equal protection clause. It was a natural response to a newly identified problem. Justice Samuel Miller dismissed the butchers' claims regarding due process and involuntary servitude. 2. Gore — the case that, as its name reveals, ... sentence is the essential prerequisite to considering the case as a potential precedent involving the Constitution’s equal protection clause and its applicability to future litigation. Left with no other choice, Gideon represented himself in trial and lost. The filing cites a litany of Mr. Trump's offensive comments—his warning about Mexican "rapists"; his disparagement of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos; his reference in a presidential debate to "bad hombres"; his attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel—as well as his pardon of Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz. Let's start with Part IV of Roberts's opinion, which was joined (behind the veil of a paper bag) by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Chief Justice Kagan. Introduction to Equal Protection Important Cases; It can perhaps be said that the Equal Protection Clause is at the core of the 14th Amendment. Julian Castro and Cory Booker asserted that Latino men commit domestic violence and rape at higher rates than other men…so that backs up Trump’s “bad hombres” comments. Why? The Slaughter-House Cases (14 Apr 1873) ―In the Slaughter-House Cases, waste products from slaughterhouses located upstream of New Orleans had caused health problems for years by the time Louisiana decided to consolidate the industries into one slaughterhouse located south of the city. Finally, Roberts rejects the relevance of the President's statements about Hispanics. More importantly, he dismissed the relevance of Trump's statements under the Arlington Heights framework. Josh Blackman is a constitutional law professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston, an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and the President of the Harlan Institute. These Cities Built Minor League Ballparks With Taxpayer Money. 6.19.2020 7:30 PM. The Supreme Court ruled in a severely fractured plurality that the university’s use of strict racial quotas was unconstitutional and ordered that the medical school admit Bakke, but it also said that race could be used as one of several factors in the admissions process. Before the Court’s decision in Mapp, the evidence could still be collected, but the police would be censured. But, even as interpreted by respondents, these statements—remote in time and made in unrelated contexts—do not qualify as "contemporary statements" probative of the decision at issue. In addition to these 10 famous cases, this June’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which recognized a national right to same=sex marriage, will likely join the list of notable 14th Amendment cases. 12.31.2020 1:15 PM. Under the 14th Amendment, no state shall make or enforce any law which shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. (I discussed those issues here and here). (Remember, the Fifth Amendment lacks an Equal Protection Clause). The votes made the 14th Amendment officially part of the Constitution. Introduced to address the racial discrimination endured by Black people who were recently emancipated from slavery, the amendment confirmed the rights and privileges of citizenship and, for the first time, guaranteed all Americans equal protection under the laws. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (26 Jun 1978)— Allan Bakke, a white man, had been denied access to the University of California Medical School at Davis on two separate occasions. NEXT: Does the Second Amendment prohibit slavery? Disability as a classification for equal protection stands at a jurisprudential crossroads. Under Virginia’s laws, however, Richard, a white man, could not marry Mildred, a woman of African-American and Native American descent. Maybe voters were repelled by the very traits he has been vividly displaying since the election. Roberts rejected each of these three arguments. However, in his opinion, Powell said that the rigid use of racial quotas violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. | Now They're Facing $14,060 FDA Fees. Accordingly, an undocumented child is a “person” who is “within the jurisdiction” of the State of Texas. Jacob Sullum | Tuccille The newly-identified problem was that Texas threatened to sue. 12.31.2020 9:49 PM. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees that “no state shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." standards, the Equal Protection Clause has traditionally been interpreted to protect members of vulnerable groups and the exercise of fundamental rights from arbitrary government conduct. Griswold’s “right to privacy” has been applied to many other controversial decisions such as Roe v. Wade. They bear on unlawful migration from Mexico—a keystone of President Trump's campaign and a policy priority of his administration—and, according to respondents, were an animating force behind the rescission of DACA. Terms Of Use, The Equal Protection Issues in the DACA Case, To Continue Thriving, California Needs New Politicians. Thus public school segregation based on race was found in violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. But this reasoning confuses abstention with reaffirmation. The Equal Protection Clause is one of the most litigated and significant provisions in contemporary constitutional law. Experts explain how. 12.30.2020 12:01 AM, © 2020 Reason Foundation | When police asked to search her home, Mapp refused unless the police produced a warrant. Here is a look at 10 famous Court decisions that show the progression of the 14th Amendment from Reconstruction to the era of affirmative action. It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law. Sign up to receive Constitution Weekly, our email roundup of constitutional news and debate, at bit.ly/constitutionweekly, Interactive Constitution: Classroom Edition, Live at the NCC: The Founders and the Greeks and Romans, Akhil Amar on Timeless Constitutional Lessons. Gitlow illustrated one of the Court’s earliest attempts at incorporation, that is, the process by which provisions in the Bill of Rights has been applied to the states. The United States Supreme Court in a unanimous decision reversed the Virginia Court’s ruling and held that the Equal Protection Clause required strict scrutiny to apply to all race-based classifications. I don't read this statement to agree with Roberts's analysis in Part IV. In those cases, these three Justices have consistently demonstrated the same spirit of bold and innovative interpretation of the Equal Protection Clause that they manifested in Bush v. Gore . “1. Gitlow v. New York (08 June 1925) ― Before 1925, provisions in the Bill of Rights were not always … The doctrine of equal protection is triggered only if similarly situated parties are treated differently. She also found there was possible pretext in DHS's sudden reversal: The abrupt change in position plausibly suggests that something other than questions about the legality of DACA motivated the rescission decision. Though there was not a majority opinion for a rationale. Passionately he clarified that the Constitution was color-blind, railing the majority for an opinion which he believed would match Dred Scott in infamy. The lower courts concluded that "DACA received reaffirmation by [DHS] as recently as three months before the rescission," referring to the June 2017 DAPA rescission memo, which stated that DACA would "remain in effect." Gideon, a Florida resident, was charged in Florida state court for breaking and entering into a poolroom with the intent to commit a crime. For Debate: Should the Equal Rights Amendment Be Revived? Thus, like respondents' other points, the statements fail to raise a plausible inference that the rescission was motivated by animus. The medical school set aside 16 spots for minority candidates in an attempt to address unfair minority exclusion from medical school. Not included, Miller said, was the right to one’s livelihood or be protected against a monopoly. Trump v. Hawaii, (2018) (SOTOMAYOR, J., dissenting). The Supreme Court struck down the Bakeshop Act, however, ruling that it infringed on Lochner’s “right to contract.” The Court extracted this “right” from the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, a move that many believe exceeded judicial authority. Amendment's Equal Protection Clause through analysis of primary source excerpts from: − th14 Amendment − Congressional Debates on the 14. th. Estelle Griswold was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Connecticut when she was arrested for violating a state statute that prohibited counseling and prescription of birth control to married couples. But the case also involved a challenge brought under the Equal Protection Component of the Fifth Amendment. This documentary examines the case Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886) in which the Supreme Court held that noncitizens have due process rights under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. Smart conversation from the National Constitution Center. The plaintiff brief she wrote established that the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment could be used as a successful legal argument … It’s pretty well controlled by earlier cases- Arlington Heights, AAADC v. Reno, and Iqbal, and maybe Washington v. Davis. The DACA decision primarily involved principles of administrative law. On the anniversary of the 14th Amendment's ratification, Constitution Daily looks at 10 historic Supreme Court cases about due process and equal protection under the law. Indeed, over the past decade, these three Justices have collectively cast 19 votes to hold unconstitutional various forms of affirmative action. Officially part of the history of the equal protection Clause ) other points, the Fifth Amendment 12.29.2020. Memo did not address the merits of the government and was arrested under New York law! Doctrine of equal protection stands at a jurisprudential crossroads primary source equal protection clause cases from: th14... An equal protection Clause, it raises the possibility of a law violated the protection... Loving decision still stands as a classification for equal protection Clause the Fifth lacks... Protected against a monopoly Amendment rights President 's statements under the equal protection Clause has vividly! 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