cranberry juice lower cholesterol

Many juices, including grape juice and apple juice, contain phytonutrients in addition to vitamins and minerals that add to their health-appeal and offer cholesterol-lowering benefits. So, although cranberries are a healthy fruit and appear to help with lowering cholesterol levels, you should not rely solely on them for that purpose. And ginger also has the ability to prevent blood clots from forming and impeding the proper functioning of blood circulation. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and folate. Cranberry Juice. There are many drinks which benefit people with diabetes, such as water, milk and diet soft drinks, as they are low in sugar. Brit J Nutr. Earlier this month, cranberry juice made the news for its preventative prowess against type 2 diabetes, and there are other drinks that help tackle diabetes. The relationship between cranberry and cholesterol does not end here, as this berry is distinguished from others by its antioxidant power that allows the elimination of free radicals and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases (heart and circulation). The amount of cholesterol for a variety of types and serving sizes of Cranberry Juice is shown below. We’ve assessed which drinks could reduce the […] Cranberry juice is the form of cranberry that's been studied the most, although there's also data on the consumption of cranberry extract supplements to lower cholesterol levels. Orange and grape juices increase the level of antioxidants, although grape juice also tends to raise LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol). Neither tart cherry juice nor control significantly altered body weight, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diastolic BP, insulin and HOMA-IR. National Institutes of Health. This disease was very common in sailors due to lack of Vitamin C. Although you will know some of its main benefits, cranberry affects people’s cholesterol in a positive way. What is high blood cholesterol? Lastly, the juice drinkers had significantly lower fasting glucose levels than the control group. For its part, lemon is not only good for lowering cholesterol but also helps to decrease high blood pressure. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Cranberry juice could be just as good as red wine and grape juice for heart health, according to scientists. cholesterol, cranberry. Phytosterol taken in recommeded doses takes us to the next step in lower blood vessels relaxed which can lower your cholesterol. 2007;65:490-502. If you’re not a fan of cranberry juice, you can always squeeze orange/lemon into your water and drop a slice with the rind in there too to get the best benefit. Infections: different clinical studies position the cranberry as one of the best treatments against cystitis and urinary infections in men but especially in women. Cranberries (and Cranberry Juice) Cranberries are a wonderfully tart and sweet fruit. Hypertension: As with other wild fruits, blueberries contain natural compounds called anthocyanins that protect against hypertension. Like cranberry juice, even these pills prevent the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder, thus reducing the chances of bladder infections. It can also help lower down bad cholesterol levels. Cranberry Juice Consumption Lowers Markers of Cardiometabolic Risk, Including Blood Pressure and Circulating C-Reactive Protein, Triglyceride, and Glucose Concentrations in Adults. Improved cholesterol. While there were no changes in total cholesterol levels, HDL cholesterol increased an average of 10 percent. If you prefer something a little less bitter than cranberries, you can also opt for a glass of blueberry juice. In case blueberry juice is not available, there are other healthy alternatives. Cranberry Juice Lower Cholesterol Cholesterol diet the most common form of lower back pain. Like many fruit juices, pomegranate juice contains antioxidants, especially polyphenols. Established research shows that cranberry juice can help to ward off urinary tract infections. How Can You Add Pecans to Your Diet for a Healthy Heart? The cranberry contains proactocyanidins, whose function is that they do not adhere, stick on certain walls such as Helicobacter pylori, gingivitis, and stomach ulcers and in the urinary tract. Promising, although slight, evidence suggests that tart cherry juice could help reduce your low-density lipoprotein, LDL, or "bad' cholesterol. The blueberries are among the berries with higher nutritional density and traditionally have been used in making desserts, jams, yogurts and juices. It has antioxidant properties much higher than other fruits.It has been observed that When dried, it offers a sweet taste that is very pleasant for our palate, but if blueberries stand out for something, it is because of its many healthy properties. They had a 44% lower level of CRP than those drinking the placebo. People who drank cranberry juice also had lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Is It OK to Eat Eggs and Other Kinds of Cholesterol? Finally, the University of Laval (Quebec) showed that blueberries increase high density lipoproteins and good cholesterol (HDL) by containing pterostilbene (another natural antioxidant) and have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Can you drink coffee with high cholesterol? Cranberry. It also appears to improve some cholesterol components, which are beneficial in fighting heart disease. As daily cranberry juice consumption increased from 125ml to 500ml/day, HDL levels were noted to rise by ~8%. If you’re not a fan of cranberry juice, you can always squeeze orange/lemon into your water and drop a slice with the rind in there too to get the best benefit. The relationship between cranberry and cholesterol does not end here, as this berry is distinguished from others by its antioxidant power that allows the elimination of free radicals and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases (heart and circulation). Triglycerides were not affected in these studies except for one case, attributed to the high amount of sugar in the cranberry juice drink. Fewer cavities We’ve assessed which drinks could reduce the […] For all these healthy properties we encourage you to incorporate cranberry among the foods that make up your daily diet or do it through comfortable capsule supplements. How Cranberries Can Help Different Health Conditions, How Phytosterols Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol, What You Need to Know About Arteriosclerosis. "Low calorie cranberry juice supplementation reduces plasma oxidized LDL and cell adhesion molecule concentrations in men." Fruit is a tasty and easy way to eat correctly, so without further adieu, here are six fruits that have been shown to lower cholesterol. Drinking low-calorie cranberry juice can lower “bad” cholesterol and boost “good” cholesterol. glass a day is recommended, with the best results from 2 or 3 glasses per day. 1. "Cranberries and cardiovascular disease risk factors." Cranberry juice loads the blood with lots of disease-fighting antioxidants. Journal of Nutrition. Jennifer Moll, MS, PharmD, is a pharmacist actively involved in educating patients about the importance of heart disease prevention. Cranberries are particularly high in polyphenols, which are known to reduce inflammation. The relationship between cranberry and cholesterol does not end here, as this berry is distinguished from others by its antioxidant power that allows the elimination of free radicals and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases (heart and circulation).. Managing your cholesterol helps manage your risk of heart disease and eating right is critical to maintaining this. Fewer cavities Does cranberry juice lower bad cholesterol in primary prevention?]. [Cranberries and cholesterol. Our findings show that tart cherry juice can lower the levels of systolic BP and LDL cholesterol. Antioxidant: thanks to this function acts on different diseases. To get those health benefits, participants in these studies consumed from 500 to 600 milliliters (17 to 20 ounces) of cranberry juice daily for up to three months. Does Cranberry Juice Help Lower Cholesterol Saturated fats may be the sugar present in foods contain very healthy oils not only lower back pain is so painful that … 2015;145(6):1185-1193. doi:10.3945/jn.114.203190. Does Cranberry Juice Help Lower Cholesterol Saturated fats may be the sugar present in foods contain very healthy oils not only lower back pain is so painful that … Can Cranberries Really Lower Cholesterol? Even this berry was used in ancient times as poultices for wounds, tumors and in the prevention of scurvy. The beneficial effects of blueberries could be due to its high content of potent antioxidants called polyphenols. It’s not as powerful as cranberry juice. WebMD notes a long-term study found drinking two glasses of plain cranberry juice per day was enough to raise levels of good HDL cholesterol. A minimum of one 8-oz. Cranberry juice also helps reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol. Drink cranberry juice ... A study in the British Medical Journal found that people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5% lower LDL cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. Normal cholesterol is below 200 mg/dl. Studies have shown that cranberry consumption, along with other fruits and vegetables, may help improve heart health, including by lowering cholesterol. It also contains vitamin A, thiamin, potassium, fiber, proteins, copper and magnesium. Dubbed as a superfruit, a cup of cranberries is loaded with over 8,000 antioxidant capacity as well as important nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. This list below contains nutritional information based on a 100-gram serving of cranberry juice. Looking to start a diet to better manage your cholesterol? The juice drinkers also had lower diastolic blood pressure and lower levels of CRP, an inflammatory marker for cardiovascular disease. The Benefits of Cranberry & Pomegranate. While you may be used to drinking some cranberry juice cocktail, you’ll want to switch to the sugar-free version for these heart benefits. Kimberly Beauchamp of the Bastyr Center for Natural Health notes that cranberry juice may also increase your HDL cholesterol. There is also herbal tea to lower blood pressure, like chamomile tea or hibiscus tea. [Article in French] Likewise, the level of antioxidants, also associated with the reduction of cardiac risk, increased by up to 121 percent. Participants in one study were given one glass of cranberry juice per day for one month, which was then increased to two for the next month, and finally to three glasses of cranberry juice per day for the third month. 2008;99:352-359. Every once in a while, it may be all right to drink red wine to lower … Being an extended product in its use, pregnant women can take it without any problem. LDL is known as the “bad” type of cholesterol . Drinking large amounts of cranberry juice might cause stomach upset, and over time you might increase your risk of kidney stones. Apple, Broccoli, Tomato, Carrot, and Cranberry Juice This is the last of our juices to reduce cholesterol. 7 juices for 7 days of the week to lower cholesterol have been explained below: Orange juice. Read our, Medically reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MD, Medically reviewed by Arno Kroner, DAOM, LAc, Medically reviewed by Lana Butner, ND, LAc, Medically reviewed by Yasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI, Verywell Health uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our. People who drank cranberry juice also had lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Cholesterol is a lipid that your body needs in certain amounts to work properly. These chemicals also appear to affect cholesterol levels. Is cholesterol and triglycerides the same? Ruel G, Pomerleau S, Couture P, et al. The authors controlled the cholesterol levels of 19 people who already had high numbers. All the drinks contained 27 percent fruit juice, the average amount commonly found in many grocery store brands. Different studies carried out by Harvard University conclude that the consumption of cranberry helps in the improvement of urinary infections in women by up to 40%. 2010 Jan-Feb;7(1):53. 1. Perspect Infirm. More LDL cholesterol is positively correlated with lower heart disease risk 6. If you are taking warfarin, a blood thinner, the levels may be affected by large doses of cranberry, so you should discuss that with your doctor. Normal cholesterol is below 200 mg/dl. Antioxidants are thought to provide several heart-protecting benefits, including reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or \"bad\") cholesterol. A UCLA study ranking the healthiest juices confirmed that both pomegranate and cranberry are among the best. Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Well, some studies suggest that drinking natural pomegranate juice might lower cholesterol levels. Consumption of cranberry juice didn't seem to affect the study participants' levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, except that oxidized LDL cholesterol was lowered slightly in some studies. If you’re not a fan of cranberry juice, you can always squeeze orange/lemon into your water and drop a slice with the rind in there too to get the best benefit. In fact, drinking two glasses of plain cranberry juice per day proves that theory. Lemon Juice. Fruit is a tasty and easy way to eat correctly, so without further adieu, here are six fruits that have been shown to lower cholesterol. Drinking three glasses of cranberry juice a day raises the level of HDL cholesterol (‘good’ cholesterol) in the blood and that of antioxidants, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, according to a study by specialists from the University of Scranton, in Pennsylvania (United States), presented at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society. Earlier this month, cranberry juice made the news for its preventative prowess against type 2 diabetes, and there are other drinks that help tackle diabetes. Ten of the participants were assigned to drink cranberry juice containing an artificial sweetener and no added sugar, while the remaining nine drank juice sweetened with corn syrup. Cranberry and cranberry juice may prevent atherosclerosis by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, according to the Cranberry Institute. If cranberry juice is too bitter for your palate, you can choose to dilute it with water or give a try to blueberry juice. Keep in mind, however, that additional studies are needed to increase doctors' understanding of the effects of cranberry consumption on cholesterol levels and heart health. It can beat cancer by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation, and reducing the activities that are related to the progression of this disease. Both drinks contained 27 percent pure blueberry juice, the same amount as drinks that can be purchased at the supermarket. Diabetes Med. Cranberry Juice. This recipe contains a peeled apple without its core and cut into quarters, a broccoli stem cut into slices, a peeled and sliced carrot, half a tomato, diced, and a cup of halved or whole cranberries. Neither tart cherry juice nor control significantly altered body weight, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diastolic BP, insulin and HOMA-IR. Cranberry juice could be just as good as red wine and grape juice for heart health, according to scientists. Individuals who regularly drink cranberry juice have lower instances of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, and higher instances of ‘good’ LDL cholesterol. citrus juices. Pomegranate Juice Cranberry Juice - Higher antioxidants - Slightly lower antioxidants - Higher vitamin K, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate - Higher vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 - Prevents cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, UTI - Lowers cholesterol and prevents UTI Cranberry juice may help prevent a urinary tract infection, ... some studies show that cinnamon may help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels. citrus juices. The consumption of cranberry juice high in polyphenols, in a single daily dose of 450 mL, was shown effective reducing the risk of metabolic diseases by enhancing glucose and fats metabolism, as well as decreasing inflammation and increasing the presence of HDL cholesterol. It has antioxidant properties much higher than other fruits.It has been observed that Published November 30, 2016. Both ingredients containing active antioxidants which help lower cholesterol and prevent clogged arteries. Can Drinking Cranberry Juice Lower Cholesterol? Small studies seem to suggest that drinking pomegranate juice might lower cholesterol, but overall the evidence is mixed. Lower the risk of cardiovascular disease related to high cholesterol with the increase of antioxidant levels when you include cranberry juice in your diet. This increase corresponds to an approximate 40 percent decrease in risk in heart disease. Just as effective in lowering cholesterol is the regular intake of cranberry juice. Initially used for food and fabric dyes, cranberries were once used to treat infected wounds. Individuals who regularly drink cranberry juice have lower instances of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, and higher instances of ‘good’ LDL cholesterol. The heart-healthy benefits of cranberries may have something to do with the phytochemicals they contain. Cranberries—particularly in juice form—have been found to have heart benefits. Managing Your High Cholesterol Levels during Pregnancy, Relation between stress and cholesterol – How stress effect our cholesterol levels, How to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, Define cholesterol – main functions and what it is for, How to Make Your Breakfast Low in Cholesterol (9 recipes). Pomegranate Juice Cranberry Juice - Higher antioxidants - Slightly lower antioxidants - Higher vitamin K, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate - Higher vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 - Prevents cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, UTI - Lowers cholesterol and prevents UTI Although more testing is needed, the results are promising for people who love both their hearts and cranberry juice. Due to this non-stick capacity, it is possible that bacteria do not fix themselves and, therefore, do not fall ill because this colonization becomes impossible. There are several drinks that lower blood pressure that include fruit and vegetables, including beet juice, celery juice, pomegranate juice, and cranberry juice. What is the best drink to lower cholesterol?- Pomegranate juice! The quality of cranberry as a complement is measured by its ORAC value that quantifies the antioxidant capacity of foods to reduce the reactivity of certain free radicals. It has been found to have good benefits in reducing cholesterol. Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants at higher levels than do many other fruit juices, and it contains nearly three times as many antioxidants as green tea or red wine does. Drinking cranberry juice can help to lower your cholesterol. This recipe contains a peeled apple without its core and cut into quarters, a broccoli stem cut into slices, a peeled and sliced carrot, half a tomato, diced, and a cup of halved or whole cranberries. 1. McKay DL, Blumberg JB. No study published as of August 2011 suggests that drinking any kind of fruit juice could lower your triglycerides. Citrus fruits juices are also good antioxidant-booster that could benefit your heart health and lower cholesterol levels. For this reason, you are better off with a sugar-free version of cranberry juice, particularly if your goal is to lower the cholesterol levels that appear to be spiking all the time. [Article in French] Prevention of Heart Problems Cranberry pills contain a high amount of flavonoids, which helps in preventing the formation of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol … Cranberry Extract Supplements. From these studies, it appears that cranberry juice consumption can boost HDL ("good") cholesterol by an average of 7 percent. Cranberries are mainly native to the northeastern part of Canada and the United States. In this study, participants took a 500 mg cranberry extract tablet three times daily after meals for 12 weeks. It has been found to have good benefits in reducing cholesterol. It's thought that pomegranate juice might block or slow the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries of people who are at higher risk of heart disease. Know the relationship between cranberry and cholesterol and how its consumption increases good cholesterol (HDL) and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Cranberry Juice Good Lower Cholesterol For them to ordered their particularly our blood cholesterol and are high in saturated fats will all perform this cholesterol. The health benefits of cranberries have been known for centuries. Drink cranberry juice ... A study in the British Medical Journal found that people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5% lower LDL cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. Citrus fruits juices are also good antioxidant-booster that could benefit your heart health and lower cholesterol levels. More LDL cholesterol is positively correlated with lower heart disease risk 6. Richard N. Fogoros, MD, is a retired professor of medicine and board-certified internal medicine physician and cardiologist. Another study, conducted in people with type 2 diabetes who were taking oral medications to lower their blood sugar levels, examined the effect of cranberry extract supplements on their cholesterol levels. Changing lifelong eating habits can be scary at first, but our guide will make it easier. Well, some studies suggest that drinking natural pomegranate juice might lower cholesterol levels. 7 juices for 7 days of the week to lower cholesterol have been explained below: Orange juice. Learn a few reasons why you should drink cranberry juice. Fill up a … 5 Things That Could Adversely Affect Your Cholesterol Levels, How Thyroid Disease Affects Cholesterol (and Vice Versa), Cranberry Juice Consumption Lowers Markers of Cardiometabolic Risk, Including Blood Pressure and Circulating C-Reactive Protein, Triglyceride, and Glucose Concentrations in Adults, Low calorie cranberry juice supplementation reduces plasma oxidized LDL and cell adhesion molecule concentrations in men. After checking with your doctor, enjoy cranberries in any way that appeals to you (but watch out for high sugar levels in cranberry juice). There are several drinks that lower blood pressure that include fruit and vegetables, including beet juice, celery juice, pomegranate juice, and cranberry juice. However, the cranberry supplements did not appear to affect participants' other lipids or their oxidized LDL levels. WebMD notes a long-term study found drinking two glasses of plain cranberry juice per day was enough to raise levels of good HDL cholesterol. All the drinks contained 27 percent fruit juice, the average amount commonly found in many grocery store brands. Novotny JA, Baer DJ, Khoo C, Gebauer SK, Charron CS. There is also herbal tea to lower blood pressure, like chamomile tea or hibiscus tea. If your cholesterol is elevated, you're probably looking for steps you can take to help bring it down. Our findings show that tart cherry juice can lower the levels of systolic BP and LDL cholesterol. "Effect of cranberry extracts on lipid profiles in subjects with type 2 diabetes." Apple, Broccoli, Tomato, Carrot, and Cranberry Juice This is the last of our juices to reduce cholesterol. The constant studies on this fruit suggest that we should incorporate it into our balanced diet or through supplementation. There are many drinks which benefit people with diabetes, such as water, milk and diet soft drinks, as they are low in sugar. This is said to help you avoid getting a pooch by prevent the inhibition of the back of your body can adjust. If cranberry juice is too bitter for your palate, you can choose to dilute it with water or give a try to blueberry juice. Cholesterol is a lipid that your body needs in certain amounts to work properly. Cranberry Juice and Cholesterol. Established research shows that cranberry juice can help to ward off urinary tract infections. What is the best drink to lower cholesterol?- Pomegranate juice! Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Cranberry juice also helps reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol. With its potent antioxidants, cranberry juice can safely and effectively reduce cancer risk and inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. And how to control it with food? 1. Ten of the participants were assigned to drink cranberry juice containing an artificial sweetener and no added sugar, while the remaining nine drank juice sweetened with corn syrup. Among the few studies of cranberries conducted in humans, cranberry juice has been the most examined. Managing your cholesterol helps manage your risk of heart disease and eating right is critical to maintaining this. Should You Incorporate Cranberries Into Your Diet to Lower Cholesterol? Does cranberry juice lower bad cholesterol in primary prevention?]. Cranberry Juice Can Lower Heart Disease Risk Cranberries, also known by the scientific name Vaccinium macrocarpon, are a delicious fruit that can be cooked in many ways to make main meals or desserts. The juice can be quite sweet to taste. While you may be used to drinking some cranberry juice cocktail, you’ll want to switch to the sugar-free version for these heart benefits. [Cranberries and cholesterol. Cranberries are a healthy, low-fat food that can enhance any cholesterol-lowering diet. If you like any type of … The truth of this love-hate relationship. 2010 Jan-Feb;7(1):53. When your "bad," or LDL, cholesterol gets too high, it begins to form a … Lee IT, Chan YC, Lin CW, et al. Every once in a while, it may be all right to drink red wine to lower … It’s not as powerful as cranberry juice. Beet juice may help lower your blood pressure. Cranberry Juice & Cholesterol Although cranberry juice is often associated with treating urinary tract infections, it can also be good for heart health. This is a conclusion obtained by a recent British-American study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which was conducted in approximately 157,000 men and women. Fruit and vegetable juices combine high nutritional value and convenience in a range of delicious flavors. Citrus fruits juices are also good antioxidant-booster that could benefit your heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Filled with antioxidants, the juices have many health benefits, such as guarding against urinary tract infections and cardiovascular disease. It also contains vitamin A, thiamin, potassium, fiber, proteins, copper and magnesium. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and folate. Cranberries have been studied for health claims in addition to improving heart health, such as the prevention of dental caries (cavities), urinary tract infections, and stomach ulcers. Perspect Infirm. Improved cholesterol. 2008;25:1473-1477. All articles on the site belong to Cholesterol Free Foods | © 2019 - 2021, Beer and CHOLESTEROL? Nutr Rev. The University of Scranton (Pennsylvania) showed that three cups of cranberry juice a day raised levels of good cholesterol (HDL) by 10% and reduced the risk of heart disease by 40%. Researchers found that people who drank 250 milliliters (or about 8.4 ounces) of beet juice daily lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. LDL is known as the “bad” type of cholesterol . Studies have shown that cranberry consumption, along with other fruits and vegetables, may help improve heart health, including by lowering cholesterol.. Cranberry juice is the form of cranberry that's been studied the most, although there's also data on the consumption of cranberry extract supplements to lower cholesterol levels. If you’re not a fan of cranberry juice, you can always squeeze orange/lemon into your water and drop a slice with the rind in there too to get the best benefit. 3. Cranberry Juice. Citrus fruits juices are also good antioxidant-booster that could benefit your heart health and lower cholesterol levels. The favorite choice for the term "Cranberry Juice" is 1 cup of Cranberry Juice which has no cholesterol. Cranberry's strong antimicrobial properties have been primarily used for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTI's), which may have played a role in minimizing the potential benefits of this fruit for the treatment of other health conditions; as a consequence, the influence of cranberries on cardiovascular, metabolic, and degenerative diseases has been scarcely investigated. Charron CS have shown that cranberry juice, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diastolic BP, and! High nutritional value and convenience in a range of delicious flavors back pain effects of blueberries could be as! Cholesterol and boost “ good ” cholesterol of antioxidant levels when you include cranberry per... Components, which are beneficial in fighting heart disease initially used for food fabric. High in polyphenols, which are known to reduce inflammation cranberries are a healthy?! You include cranberry juice per day was enough to raise levels of LDL.. 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